Frequently asked questions
Death Grip Wax™️ is like no other strong hold mustache wax in the industry. It offers an all-day, extra strong hold for serious mustache styling. With only 3 simple all-natural ingredients, applying this wax to achieve perfection comes may come with a few questions for beginners that we hope to answer below to help guide you to success in this FAQ page!
WHat ingredients are in it?
Just 3 simple ingredients, with no added fragrance or chemicals!
Lanolin (oil from sheeps wool)
Pine Rosin
Bees Wax
What does iT smell like?
Pine, real pine! That’s it… there is no fragrance or essential oils added to this mustache wax, and the subtle fresh pine smell comes from the natural Pine Rosin ingredient we use for a strong hold.
How do I apply it?
Typically it only takes about 15 to 30 seconds to warm the wax with a blowdryer until it is soft enough to scrape a small amount out.
You will then need to rub the wax and melt it evenly between your thumb and fingertips, and then you will massage and rub the wax into one side of your mustache, and then do the same process again for the next side and you are all done!
Watch a few short videos to see this wax in action - CLICK HERE!
How long does it Hold?
When applied and styled properly, this wax can last up to 24 hours, but how long it holds can vary based a variety of factors such as: your type/length of hair, hot or cold climate being used in, and how much you eat/touch your mustache.
*Tip - a little goes a LONG way compared to other mustache wax brands, and the most common issue is trying to apply too much Death Grip wax. When used properly, these little 1 ounce tins will last your mustache well beyond average waxes, and your bank account will thank you too!
Will it color or die my mustache?
No, this wax does not have any added chemicals or ingredients that will color or die your mustache. When applied properly, your mustache should look firm but natural, without any unwanted color or waxy texture.
How do I wash it out?
So long you don’t over apply too much wax, then scrubbing lightly with warm water and a natural based soap will work on most types of hair.
*Note - Sometimes a little beard oil or balm rubbed into the mustache a few minutes prior before washing it out can help break up the sticky hold.
What should I not do with Death Grip?
Do not apply if allergic to Bees wax, Wool, or Pine
Do not warm with a lighter or torch (can cook out sticky hold)
Do not use beard oil or balm prior to applying and styling with this wax, as the oils from those products can prevent a satisfactory hold.
Where can I buy death Grip?
Death Grip Moustache Wax is exclusively made and sold by Vintage Beard Company LLC. Click any link below to shop the official Death Grip storefronts today with FREE Shipping to the USA and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: